How To Charge Laptop Without Charger: Complete Guide

Laptop chargers have a way of going missing – sometimes they’re left at home, sometimes they end up in the office and are never seen again. And when you finally realize your charger is MIA, it’s usually too late to do anything about it. Your laptop battery is dead, and there’s no hope in sight. Unless you know how to charge laptop without charger.

Charging your laptop without a charger is possible in a pinch, but it’s not ideal. If you’re in a bind and need to get your laptop up and running, there are a few ways to do it. Here’s a complete guide on how to charge your laptop without a charger.

Ways On How To Charge Laptop Without Charger

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There are many ways on how to charge a laptop without a charger. Some people may resort to using a power bank, while others may use a car charger. Here are some methods that you can try:

Use A Power Bank

A power bank is a battery pack that can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops. To use a power bank to charge your laptop, you will need to find one that has a USB-C or Thunderbolt port.

If you have a power bank with a USB-A port, you can use a USB-A to USB-C adapter to connect it to your laptop. Once connected, you can press the power button on the power bank to start charging your laptop.

Use A Car Charger

Another way to charge your laptop without a charger is to use a car charger. A car charger is a device that can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops while driving.

Most car chargers have multiple USB ports that you can use to charge multiple devices at the same time. To use a car charger, you will need to connect it to your laptop’s power port.

Once connected, you can press the power button on the car charger to start charging your laptop.

How To Charge Laptop Without Charger

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Use A Solar Charger

A solar charger is a device that uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electrical energy that can be used to charge mobile devices such as laptops. If you are outdoors and have access to sunlight, you can use a solar charger to charge your laptop. Solar chargers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some even have built-in batteries.

To use a solar charger, you will need to connect it to your laptop’s power port. Once connected, you can place the solar charger in direct sunlight and wait for it to charge your laptop.

Use An External Battery Pack

An external battery pack is a battery that can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops. External battery packs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some even have built-in batteries.

If you have an external battery pack, you can use it to charge your laptop. Most external battery packs have multiple USB ports that you can use to charge multiple devices at the same time. To use an external battery pack, you will need to connect it to your laptop’s power port. Once connected, you can press the power button on to start charging your laptop.

How To Charge Laptop Without Charger

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Use A Laptop Docking Station

A laptop docking station is a device that can be used to charge and connect multiple devices to a laptop. Docking stations come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some even have built-in batteries.

If you have a docking station, you can use it to charge your laptop. Most docking stations have multiple USB ports that you can use to charge multiple devices at the same time. To use a docking station, you will need to connect it to your laptop’s power port. Once connected, you can press the power button on the docking station to start charging your laptop.

These are some of the ways that you can try if you want to know how to charge a laptop without a charger. Try one of these methods and see which one works best for you.

Final Words

How To Charge Laptop Without Charger

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A laptop charger is a device that supplies power to a laptop computer. It typically plugs into an AC outlet and converts the AC power into DC power that is then used to charge the laptop’s battery or to run the laptop itself.

However, it is possible to charge a laptop without its charger. There are several ways to do this, and each has its own set of pros and cons. With a little creativity, it is possible to keep your laptop charged and running even when you don’t have its charger handy.

Make sure that you have the correct voltage and amperage for your laptop. We hope that this guide was helpful and that you were able to find a way to charge your laptop without its charger.

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